Father Perry

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Father Perry February 7, 2016 Sunday Sermon


There are times in our lives when we too, are intensely aware of God’s presence with us and in us – moments of prayer, of insight or of comfort, when we are emptied of pain and doubt and fear, and are filled with faith, hope and peace. And like the disciples on the mountain, we … Read More

Father Perry December 13, 2015 Sermon


“We would do well to remember that the spending and the giving (we are engaged in) at this time of year aren’t themselves a means to our joy or a sign of our joy. Instead, they’re the things we get to do when our hearts are full of lasting joy because of the love that God has for … Read More

Father Perry November 22, 2015 Sermon


From Sunday’s sermon: In spite of the fact that it was born during a time of great tragedy and despair, the Book of Revelation is noted for its sustained outbursts of exuberant joy and praise. The vision John presents is not despair, but joy… John, who should have been overwhelmed by the great sea of … Read More

Father Perry November 15, 2015 Sermon


“Jesus said, ‘When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is still to come’”. From Sunday’s sermon: “I think what Jesus wants us to believe is this: Our place is not in trying to understand why. Our place is to bring God’s love … Read More