AHM Youth and Family Services and St. Peter’s Episcopal Church will be partnering once again this year to host the very popular Third Annual Nature and Adventure Day. With over 300 guests present last year, the interest in this day of fun and environmental learning continues to grow. Nature and Adventure Day will be held on the campus of the AHM Community Center located at 25 Pendleton Drive in Hebron on Saturday, March 16th from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM. The event is part of the 2019 Hebron Maple Festival.
Nature and Adventure Day will feature both indoor activities and weather permitting outdoor activities as well. The planning committee for Nature and Adventure Day shared that this event is a day filled with fun for all ages from young children to teens to parents and seniors. Everyone is welcome to attend. The cost is $3 per person at the door regardless of age. Proceeds from Nature and Adventure Day will support AHM’s mental health services for local children and families.
Activities and exhibits at Nature and Adventure Day includes Natural Landscapes, a Bird and Butterfly House sale, Horizon Wings, ( a live demonstration of raptors – between 10:30 AM and 2:30 PM), Reptiles and Amphibians, a display of artifacts from the Institute of American Indian Studies, Museum and Research Center, Natural Benefits of Teas, Goodwin State Forest Animal Skulls, Bones and Furs, Plaster Animal Footprints, Geocaching, Live Reptiles, Aquatic Insects, Tiny Tree Huggers, Maple Syrup Demonstration and possible walks on the beautiful St. Peter’s Nature Trail, (weather dependent).
For questions, call the AHM offices at 860-228-9488 or visit www.ahmyouth.org