We will hold our next community dinner on Saturday, April 15th, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. or until sold out. (Please note the earlier start time.) The menu will include your choice of meat or vegetable lasagna, Italian sausage, garlic bread, tossed green salad and your choice of desserts.
The cost is $15.00.
This is a take-out only dinner, no pre-orders or reservations. Servers will come to your car, take your order, dessert choice and payment, and bring your meal(s) back to your back seat or trunk. No need to get out of your car.
A portion of each meal sold will go towards supporting the No Freeze shelter. For more details, please contact the church at 860-228-3244 or visit our website at www.StPetersHebron.com. St. Peter’s is located at 30 Church St. (Rt. 85) in Hebron.