We will hold a huge tag sale on Friday, June 3rd and Saturday, June 4th. There will be tools, furniture, kids’ items, kitchen items, holiday items, linens, pictures, small appliances, some antiques, jewelry, bric-a-brac, puzzles, toys, and one-of-a-kind items, such as a New Tower Garden, New Green Works blower without battery, and many miscellaneous items. There is something for everyone! Perennial plants from the gardens of our parishioners will also be available. The hours will be 9 – 3 on both days. A portion of the sales will be donated to the Columbia Food Bank.
In addition, we will be serving a luncheon both days. On the menu are egg salad sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches, hot dogs, and chili.
Looking ahead on our calendar, on June 18th, we will not be serving a dinner, but will be taking part in Hebron Day at Burnt Hill Park in Hebron, from 11-2. We will be selling loaded baked potatoes. A portion of each meal sold will go towards supporting the Windham Area Interfaith Ministry.