If you would like to make an appointment to speak with Fr. Ron, submit a prayer request or just ask a question, please feel free to visit, telephone, write or email us!
Our address:
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
PO Box 513
30 Church St. (Rt. 85)
Hebron, CT 06248-0513
Telephone: (860) 228-3244
Church Office email: office@stpetershebron.com (or use the form below)
Rector’s (Priest’s) email: ronkol@sbcglobal.net
Father Ron’s cell phone: 860-280-8526
The church office is normally open from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday. Our church Administrator, Claire Bracaglia, will be there to answer your questions. If she and the Rector are both unavailable, leave a message and we will get back to you very quickly!