How do I contact the church or the rector?
Our office hours are 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Monday through Friday. You may contact the parish office at 860-228-3244 or email the parish secretary at If you wish to contact the rector, Fr. Ron, you may do so through the parish office.
What are your service times?
Sunday morning celebrations of Holy Eucharist (Communion): 8:00 a.m. Rite I (traditional language without music); 10:00 a.m. Rite II (contemporary language) with choir and hymns. Please refer to our website or call our office for information about our Christmas, Easter and other special worship services.
Is the church handicap accessible?
Yes. Both the church and Phelps Hall (the parish hall) are wheelchair accessible. Our church was built in 1826 and contains “box pews” for our worshippers. We have provided an open space at the back of the church for the convenience and comfort of persons not able to sit in the traditional pews. In addition we have provided several “handicap access” parking spaces in the parking lot between the church and Phelps Hall. Bathrooms, located in Phelps Hall, are easily accessible, but are not yet equipped with handicap access features.
How do I go about receiving information about the church?
To add your name to our mailing list please call the parish secretary (860-228-3244) and she will take the necessary information from you. We also keep an email directory and send out weekly announcements to those on our email list. The weekly service bulletins also include basic contact information, a worship/events schedule, an updated prayer list and articles about upcoming events in the life our parish. Copies of Sunday worship bulletins are always available in the entrance to the church. You may also call the office and request that any bulletin be either emailed or mailed to you.